Here, we will cover the types of exercises which generally need to be done with competence during the rehabilitation process. we will also give examples of exercises which fit these categories. Here are some common exercises and routines that may be included in a rehabilitation program.
Read more3 Ways to Improve Sports Performance
The 4 Stages of Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Sports rehabilitation can be split into 3-4 phases, early, intermediate, late, and return to play. Different aspects of performance are focused on in each phase and different criteria need to be met before moving onto the next stage.
Read more3 Considerations for Fat Loss
One of the most common reasons people have for joining a gym is to lose excess weight. The problem is there is a lot of information that is either misinterpreted, intentionally misleading or just untrue.
Read more3 Benefits of Resistance Training
How Exercise and Nutrition can Effect the Role of the Immune System in Mental Health Disorders
Previous posts on our site have talked about the impact of nutrition and exercise on mental health disorders. In the research, for both of those posts, a common theme was the link between the immune system and mental health. The immune system is the body’s protective mechanism from damaged cells, pathogens and other compounds [3]. However, there can be circumstances where the immune system can be compromised and can become over or underactive. Increased activity of the immune system can lead to mental health disorders and psychiatric disorders [4]. These mental health disorders occur due to a series of changes which take place neuroimmune changes which take place, leading to reductions in the production of neurotransmitters. This article is going to talk about the immune system’s role in mental health disorders, how exercise and nutrition improve immunity, and why. Read more…
Read more6 Considerations for New Years Resolutions
Even if there are still some tight restrictions in the new year we need to be able to work around them and set targets for ourselves to keep pushing forwards. This is something people do every year and we call it our “New Years Resolutions”. The problem is that even in easier years, by comparison, in most cases, they are never stuck to. A reason for this is that the resolutions people may have set for themselves may not have been thought through enough for them to be actionable and capable to the individual. Another reason is that they may have just not made the target a priority and it just faded away over time due to not having someone to keep them accountable and on target. This is why in this post, I will talk through 6 things to do when making resolutions for the new year. Read More…
Read more17 Facts on Exercise and Mental Health
This post is going to discuss exercise and how it can benefit your mental health. The physical benefits of exercise such as lower risk and prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and Alzheimer's, are well known but the real evidence behind the effects of exercise on a person’s mental health may be less clear [1]. After reading this post, and my previous, I hope you all will have a better understanding of the small changes you can make to increase your mood and feel better within yourself. Read more…
Read moreWhy is Stretching Important?
Stretching is a great tool which requires little to no equipment and can be performed at any time and at any place. Although it is such a useful tool, many people feel then do not have time for it before and after they perform. However it is important to remember that as long was you stretch with purpose, intent, and do it regularly, it does not need to take more than a few minutes depending on the goal. It can be used to assist in warm ups, cool downs, increasing muscle length and reducing pain and soreness, and even to aid in relaxation. Different types of stretching are used to facilitate these different effects. Read more…
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